Announcement Market news Marketing

Crisis Exit Offer

To better support organisations which experience economical difficulties in this Covid-19 pandemic, launches success fees. Concretely, here is how it works: Cherry on the cake ? To help you get the most out of, we include up to 3 free consulting services man.days with our licensing experts. The only risk you take is […]

SAM Strategy Thoughts

ByoL into AWS & Azure: Room for savings or new trap?

Our customers have often asked us if they could use their licenses into the Cloud, and whether it was a real manner to optimize the spend, or just a non sense. To make a long story short, our answer is YES; keep as a quick answer that Bring your own Licenses into the Clouds is […]

Feature Thoughts

Licensing optimization – Stake of dynamic optimized license assignment

When it comes to license position establishement, we can sometimes hear that licensing is a matter of “interpretation”, and there is not one single true “licensing position”. Well, I must say that I do not necessarily share such starting assumptions, even though I definitely end up with same outcomes. Let me explain: Having multiple interpretations […]

Announcement Event Market news SAM Strategy Introduction

Watch our introduction video to discover in 2 minutes. Happy to meet you here !